mickey avalon:
do u ever think "what if"? what if u decided to do one thing over another? what if u could go back in time and change ur decision? how different would ur life be.
what if chris webber never called that timeout in the national title game back at michigan. im sure his psyche and self confidence would've been a lot higher going into the nba. but he wept in the tunnel going into the locker room that nite.. and im sure the timeout call haunted him for a looonnng time.
he did blossom late and started bangin tyra banks at least. good decision.
which one is the best?
so the pride of wvu has been reinstated.. AGAIN. how many chances is this guy gonna get?
seriously, when will it stop. yes i understand his last infraction was very minor and prob not worthy of all the news it go.. but u know what, he still put himself in a position to be dumb. zero tolerance should be zero tolerance.. no exceptions. reinstatements.. pacman 3, mike vick 0.
well at least whitey has a heart afterall. reparations!
how are u an nfl quarterback and not know games can end in a tie. every layman and plumber joe knows games can end in a tie. boggles my mind. unacceptable. the eagles deserve to be the toilet of the nfc east and miss the playoffs.
this dude must be an idiot.
its common knowledge that the gov't will investigate any transferred cash amounts over $10K.
jean-robert ballande.. from survivor china.. was recently questioned by airport authorities about the $40k he had in his suitcase after x-rays spotted the large amount of cash. he was on his way to vegas btw. and dumbest of all.. he actually checked the cash bag, instead of carry-on.
the tennessee titans are 10-0. kerry collins is getting a lot of praise for managing games and playing smart. no one is wondering about vy's hurt feelings anymore. i guess he's not so down on himself anymore after he got my carepackage with the kleenex and vagisil. who knew vy would just end up being a poor man's kordell stewart. couple of pillow biters.
its not easy to find a humble athletes these days. i guess it would be tough to be humble when ur a multi millionaire and women are throwing themselves at u in every city. well one of the most humble and successful pitchers of our generation officially retired yesterday.
mike mussina confessed that he knew all along this past season would be his last. he said he knew it going into spring training, but he didn't say it bc he did not want a farewell tour/ spotlight. the dude even apologized to the media of all people for keeping it a secret. glad to see he went out a 20-game winner. with over 200 wins and multiple golden gloves, he should prob get into the HOF. he prob didnt even use hgh or roids neither.
horsecollar rule.. dumb. 2 feet in for a catch.. dumb. add one more to the list.. questionable late hit personal fouls along the sideline. in this case.. they should have 2 feet out of bounds in order to be untouchable. are they playing football or what. enough with this player protection crap. the players have all sorts of pads on for f's sake.
remember when slam magazine dubbed rafer alston to have the best handle on any level when he was a junior high school player?
well check out 5 year old milan simon tuttle.. the next skip to my lou. courtesy of sriracha sauce:
well hello, we meet again erin andrews..
now, erin.. meet ur future.. 10 years from now.. u are the next holly rowe..
so the mariners named don wakamatsu their new manager. media says this is pretty huge for asian community in baseball/sports. im so pumped, spit in my mouth.
so the big three are in trouble. no im not talking about kg, pp, and ray allen. im talking about ford, gm, and chrysler. now ur saying.. who cares, no one buys domestic cars anyways. that is true.. however.. there are far bigger ramifications that come with the big 3 getting into financial trouble. do u realize how many jobs will be lost bc of the big 3? not just at their respective companies.. but what about the money lost in advertising and the jobs that will be lost at those advertising companies. know what i mean now? there is a long list of negative reaction.
its sort of like when ur friend dates a girl no one cares for. ur friend is blinded probably by the sex and cannot think straight. ur friend starts thinking outrageous thoughts of wanting to wife her and ish. who's place is it to tell ur friend that the btch is crazy, and he'd make the biggest mistake of his life if he were to take the next step. being a divorcee is a stigma that lasts forever, like herpes. but what does it matter.. bc ur friend is not going to listen to ur objective advice to drop the ho anyways. ur friend prob hasnt even thought about the ramifications of getting too involved with a crazy btch.. like.. down the road, sharing mortgages or even 1 year rental leases. what if they have a kid. what im saying is.. just like the ramifications of the big 3 costing hundreds of thousands of jobs bc of the long list of connections to them, a friend in a relationship with a crazy may create chaos if in too deep. word.
one of the best i've ever seen..
where do you start with this besides the obvious mullet... business up front, party in the back. check out the jean short shorts. wow. he probably just got done burning crosses on front lawns.
nba ref cheaters.. now nfl too?
how do u explain this? 66% of the action on this game was pitt -5. the game ending td wouldve covered the -5. millions of dollars swung the wrong way bc the ref blew the call. or did he? conspiracies begin.
this weekend.. the game of the year: texas tech @ oklahoma. should be a classic. too tough to call.. but IF i had to, i'd take the points with TT (+7). even better.. i'd take the UNDER 75.5.
flavor of the day: cobie smulders
pick up line of the week:
do you know how much a polar bear weighs? enough to break the ice. hello, my name is marty what is yours?
Nov 21, 2008
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