Aug 5, 2008


was listening to 1010wins this morning, as usual. they reported a story about TWO WINDOW WASHING COUSINS that fell to their death. surprised u don't hear of this type of accident more often. that slab of wood they stand on up and down the building does not look too sturdy, especially when its windy. crazy stuff tho.. going to work and then not making it back home. so unpredictable.

i saw a bumper sticker the other day, it said "NObama".
its not racist or stereotypical.. its just what it is.. but u know black folk are voting for obama mainly bc he is black. and most white folk are voting for mccain bc he is not black. the guy driving with the Nobama sticker was white btw.. and i dont think there were too many mccain backers at the BET Awards. had a story about MULTI MILLION DOLLAR ATHLETES THAT GO BROKE. the cover boy was evander holyfield.
he has 11 kids. now u know why the dude has to keep fighting. travis henry better get his ass in shape to make a roster.

beer pong this weds at gama:
courtesy of jimmy downtown

homeboy randy pausch passed away a couple of weeks ago. he was the "last lecture" professor from carnegie mellon.. the one who was dying with pancreatic cancer and got blown up on oprah. one of his dreams as a kid was to play professional football. he was a huge pitt steelers fan. he got to meet the rooneys and his fav player hines ward.

courtesy of srirachua sauce.. no explanation needed:

flavor of the day: ASK AIDA
she can cook and she is bootiful. what more can u ask for.

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