Oct 24, 2008

the gun show

few quick hitters to start..
west virginia mounteer football player.. who has one of the best names in sports:
guess he must be good too.. being recruited by UM as well. foregone conclusion.. with a name like boogie allen, u must be an athlete.

courtesy of stuart matsui. is that a frank sanders jerzee??

beyonce says her alter ego name is "sasha fierce". she's dumb.

if you were wondering why the cinncinnati bengal formerly known as chad johnson's football jerzee does not say "ocho cinco" is bc of the hassle.

we take a lot of things for granted. one of the things that people overlook all the time is how dangerous getting in a car really is. maybe bc it's so routine and chances of safe journeys are likely.. but its not crazy to think about the dangers of driving.

u can get into an accident at any moment. usually it's not even ur fault too.. who knows what other drivers are doing. who knows where their mind is at.. they mightve had a bad day and not focused on the road. maybe a driver just lost their job, or their personal life is in shambles. maybe they're drunk or high. who knows. people these days have a lot of stress and things on their mind.
where am i going with this? i have no idea. driving is danGerous, so buckle up. end of story.

jimmy downtown says.. obama has skills!

should i have been offended?

2 co-workers were talking about what they did over the wknd..
white worker 1: oh i had really good dim sum on sunday
white worker 2: what's dim sum
white worker 1: its like these small dishes of food, and the waiter keeps bringing them out.
white worker 2: sounds interesting, sortve like brazilian meat place
white worker 1: u never had dim sum?
white worker 1: (yells across room to me) YOU KNOW DIM SUM RIGHT!?
yellow worker: yea, its like chinese tapas.

why the hell would "worker 1" assume i know what dim sum is? bc i'm ornamental? damn racialist.

top 5 college movies of 1995-1999:
5. tommy boy
4. dumb and dumber
3. billy madison
2. braveheart

1. friday
damn.. 1995 was 13 years ago.

to go along with the movie theme.. jimmy downtown brings in another entertaining political youtbe:

heard about this on the radio. comical spoof on sarah.. i wanna get the blu ray dvd. who's nailin paylin?

what does cresskill and hempstead have in common? both are for gangsters only.
common cresskill news

occasional hempstead news

i am addicted to panera bread. f subway $5 footlongs. whoaaa..

the news is dumb. what is news on tv? its to inform and educate the public of important events.
so why do they play games so much. the other morning matt lauer on nbc says.. "stay tuned to learn about a dangerous baby stroller defect that could put thousands in danger"
wtf is that all about?? sounds pretty damn important.. baby's lives are in danger and we have to wait until after commercial break to find out the details? seriously.. whats wrong with this world.

darius miles got waived one week before the start of the nba season. what a shame. damn u bill walker for beating him out. hopefully D will find a job this upcoming season. i miss the clippers of old.. miles, Q, lamar, elton, mcinnis, kandi man, maggette. that was a fun team to root for.

is tom brady's career in jeopardy?

i never get tired of watching this. officially my mostest favoritest dunk. the audio is awesome.. "right on scola's head!!":

robbi cano works out at the gym i go to.

he is there all the time.. around 6pm, which i think is odd since thats regarded as peak hours. i would think he'd go mid day when there arent a lot of people around. anyways, no one really chats with him. i guess people are respecting his privacy.
cano is there with a trainer and some other latin dude i can't figure out. its good to see he's taking the offseason to bulk up and be ready for '09.
this week.. he jumped out of my way bc he saw that he was in front of the mirror which i was doing my 20lb curls in front of. true story.
welcome to the gun show cano.

american idol hosts allegedly make some good loot.
inebriated paula makes between $5-8 mil this season..
token randy makes $1-3 mil..
limey simon makes $45 MILLION!!
thats just dumb.

ride some sweeeeet action, get ur money! already 1-0 from wvu thurs nite win. this week is big10 heavy..
NORTHWESTERN -8 @ indiana
MINNESOTA +1.5 @ purdue
ILLINOIS -3 @ wisconsin
TEXAS TECH pick'em @ kansas
OHIO STATE +2 vs. penn state
MIAMI -2.5 vs. wake forest

cleveland @ jax UNDER 42

flavor of the day, and also probably the hottest in the history of jews: josie maran.

killa kim contributes very important news...
not only does lil wayne churn out monster hits for his fans to get jiggy wit it.. he's got a blog! i know.. just like u, i was surprised to find out he knows how to write.

have a good weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i woulda thought you'd have romeo must die on that list. anthony anderson had you i mind when he goes chasing after jet li.... "hey diiiiiim sum.. where are you?"