Feb 19, 2008


welcome bizzack from the holiday wknd. hope u had a good one.

i am a corny bastard. but the fans of the baseball team anaheim angels are far too corny even for me. when they were in the world series a few years ago... i saw some of the worst signs in the stands ever. "excellent eckstein" "super salmon" "awesome angels" .. and not to mention that stupid lil monkey on the jumbotron or the thunder sticks. its cornier than saying "lets get a couple of cold brewskies" or "got any cold suds"

i miss old school comebacks. as u may know, the Athletic Supporter is a big fan of "ur face is..." but some of the forgotten lines like.. i am rubber u are glue, anything u say will bounce off me and stick to u... or.. i know u are, but what am i... or.. ur dead meat.

what i really miss from back in the day are after-school cartoons like g.i. joe, transformers, duck tales, thundercats, gem.. i mean, nothing!.. not gem. and i most definitely miss saturday morning cartoons like the smurfs, the littles, muppet babies, and hosts of others. and what i miss the mostest is saturday afternoon kung fu. damn those were the good ol days. kids nowadays jusss dont know! im thankful for growing up in the golden era of tv.

the Athletic Knee is quite a character. he's kinda weird sober, but get a few drinks in him and games over. he used to be the biggest c-block ever.. not seriously, but just for fun. whenever i was seen speaking w a female at a public house, he'd come over and give me a flying elbow to the back of my neck, a swift chuck norris kick to the buttocks, or dry hump my leg. i have no game as it is and probably wouldnt have gotten anywhere w the lovely ladies on my own, but he used to do a great job of making sure i wasnt going to fornicate that evening.

i have a friend that used his friend's bed to perform pvi. his friend doesnt know. would u tell him?

its awesome angels coming into work to 35 voicemails. luuuuuuuv it.

superman dunk.. impressive. dwight howard's behind the backboard dunk was straight gangsta. but how the hell possible is it to pull off the isaiah rider dunk.. barefoot!

is it just me or do u also not trust lasik yet. i know its been around for a minute now, but im still waiting for people to go blind or eyes falling out of sockets bc the laser burned off the ish that holds the eyeball in place. i dunno. i dislike wearing contacs or glasses so much.. but im cool with it just for a couple more years. im not sold on lasik yet.

is erin andrews the prettiest hooker u know?

i think i'd rather have a mullet than a blow out. i like nj... its close enough to the city and far enough where i can have peace.. but some nj white dudes.. there is no explanation. blow outs and silver chains. ish is fn retarded. get me a red bull!

go-go bars make mad loot.

its tues nite..stevie is puking everywhere.. good times

i hate my friends

1 comment:

Declan said...

I used to like to watch She-Ra bc she made my pants feel tighter. Athletic Knee sounds like a hoot.