Feb 11, 2008

magic #

some questions have no right answer. just like when i got back to work a few weeks back after visiting the bay area, my boss asked me if i did any drugs out there. what am i supposed to say to that? he looks like the type to be doing drugs and doesnt seem like he would care if i did either. i actually didnt do any drugs that wknd but it seemed like he wanted me to say.. "yea dude, i got cracked out all wknd." i told him no i didnt, and he seemed disappointed.
and what do u tell a girl when she asks u how many partners u've had? that's another trick question w no right answer. if u say too little.. then u look like a herb/loser that can't get on chicks. i mean, what girl wants to hook up with u if u dont know ur way around right? im sure chicks want to get down with a dude thats been w enough women to assumably at least somewhat pleasure her. but if u say too much.. then u look like a manwhore that needs to be deloused. she may get reservations of knockin boots with a dude that has had too many partners. so what is the happy medium? i guess there is no perfect answer... so dont say anything at all?

missed kanye and alicia keys performances last nite. damn youtube better not be shut off at work. its fn brick out biiiatches!


Anonymous said...

Kayne w. Daft Punk. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4c7jm_kanye-west-feat-daft-punk-stronger_music?from=rss

JimmyDowntown said...

so do you just tell girls 1 1/2 since the other girl yo slept with was a midget?